Finally, you have your crew mechanic who offers up another passive from the same character pool as the engineers. Next up is your crew engineer, they offer a passive bonus such as gaining a shield whenever you acquire an item and there is a very large number of them to unlock. There appear to be ten different Nickelodeon characters as Chiefs in total. Once the meter is full you can use Y to unleash a chief-specific ability. To fill up your slime meter and go faster you need to acquire slime coins during a race. You have your Chief who is tied to your slime meter. No story mode, No cutscenes (aside from the intro) and Not even a gallery showcasing concept art and other neat stuff (More Licensed games need to have those) For crew members, there are over 90 and they cover three categories.

And I’m really glad this game has voice acting, but it has no unique dialogue it’s literally taken from the characters respective shows so it gets stale after a while. The race tracks themselves are fun and full of life.

Nickelodeon Kart Racers 3 Slime Speedway Free Download Repacklabĩ0 crew members to choose from to match your playstyle with unique special abilities Intense Slime-filled alternate paths on 36 different tracks, new and old Face off directly with fellow racers in a mayhem-filled arena mode Intense split-screen local and online multi-player! you have to grind and collect in-game currency in order to unlock the other characters in the Garage.